Chiron Iberia, S.A.U. - Universal and exterior grinding machines

Junker Hardpoint

Grinders for grinding and turning on hard: for grinding and turning parts in hard or soft

Picture of Grinders for grinding and turning on hard
Technical specifications:-turning diameter: 160 mm - travel x-axis 1 / X 2: 310-380 mm - Z1: 205 - 220 mm - Z2: 785 - 220 mm - speed of the spindle: 8,000-10,000 rpm - 75 mm in diameter - speed: up to 30 m/s - Control: Siemens 840 D - machine Dimension: 3000 x 2500 x 2,170 mm - Dimension with exhaust: 4,300 x 2.500 x 2170 mm - machine weight: 2,500 mm machine for turning and grinding components in hard and/or soft for tight tolerances and minimum roughness with CBN grinding wheel.

Hardpoint technology allows the optimization of production costs in the combined processes of hard turning and grinding. The Hardpoint is a high-accuracy multifunction machine.