Maquinaria Márquez, S.L. - Moving column milling machines / turret milling machines

TOS Varnsdorf Wrd 170

Fresadora - mandrinadora: of mobile column

Picture of Fresadora - mandrinadora
Cough Varnsdorf, Czech manufacturer of milling machines-boring mills and represented in Spain and Portugal by Machinery Márquez, conscious of the permanent evolution model WRD 170. The caracteristicas of this schemes are height of mechanised until 6 metres, cane diameter 170 mm with exit of 1.000 mm, RAM of 550 x 550 with exit 1.500 mm and 71 kW of power in the main engine. A wider base of 3 guides and a column reinforced allow to realise the mechanised with full power and guarantees of precision. A big variety of cabezales allows to realise tasks so much of mandrinado as of milling. Between the diversity of the cabezales available manufactured by COUGH stand out the cabezal twist of continuous twist with accionamiento by the own cane of schemes it, the cabezal universal of automatic twist of 1º x 1º or 2'5º x 2'5º. The cabezales can exchange automatically through a pick up of until 4 stations, what joined to the cambiador automatic of tools basculante allow to realise the greater part of the works autónomamente increasing the performance of schemes it. Equally they exist solutions of remote vision of mechanised that facilitate the task of control. The complement perfect for this schemes are the tables giratorias rototraslantes manufactured by COUGH Varnsdorf with capacity until 40 tonnes, surface 3.500 x 3.500 and travel until 3.000 mm. Cough Varnsdorf equally manufactures squares until 6 metres of height and basic plates that can be supplied independently.