Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Pipe and profile manufacturing extrusion machinery

TSÂ FSCM 15-25


Picture of Extruder
TSA Manufacturer of small extruders of husillos componibles, represented in Spain by Centrotécnica, s.To.; It presents the model FSCM 15-25, headed to manufacturers of masterbatch and laboratories of investigation. This line allows to feed to an extrusor main with samples from among 80 to 100 g. It fits to stand out also that the cleaning realises of a simple and fast form. Extruder, dosificadores, electrical picture, tank of cooling and granulador, form a compact group, mounted on an only gifted frame of wheels.

The most remarkable characteristics of the team are:

-Husillos corrotantes, componibles on hexagonal axles with elements of 1D. Available in lengths 25, 30, 35, 40 D. Manufactured in special steel antidesgaste. The speed of rotation is variable of 0 to 600 rpm

- Cylinder in steel nitrurado. The top of the cylinder opens in shape of “book” to facilitate the cleaning of the same and allow visual inspections, with unemployed machine, verifying the state of mix of the compound in his interior. The warming effects with resistances of cartridge and the cooling by water. It has of taking of empty.

- Engine of 1 kW. Type CA, variable speed, included invest.

- Cabezal, supplies with hilera to an exit of 3,5 mm. Diameter.

- Pressesure, visualises in the monitor by means of probe. The maximum pressesure allowed is of 80 bar to 350 °C.

- The picture of control is integral and is situated in the backside of the machine. Available also in version PLC.

- Dimensions of extruder: 800x350x500 mm. In the case to supply complete line on frame the dimensions are 1900x1600x600 mm.

- Productions: 3 kg/h of masterbatch, compound thermoplastic according to formulations. The effective capacity can be verified by means of proofs in laboratories TSA.

The extruder FSCM 15 complete the range laboratory, of which TSA has already of extruders with identical characteristics with diameter of husillos of 21, 26, 32 and 45 mm.