Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Controls for injection moulding machines

Moog CTP Moog Touch Screen

Electronic controls: for inyectoras of all the marks

Picture of Electronic controls
CTP Electronic control Moog Touch Screen for inyectoras of any mark.

Update of machines inyectoras with picture of universal control, effective, reliable and without problems of maintenance.

Update of the control and the efficiency of the inyectora in the time limit of 10, substituyendo the unit of control of the machine by an advanced system of management Moog with tactile screen, of easy use and programming, with update of all the rules of hygiene, awarding to the greater machine provision, precision and reliability, without depending of the service of the marks.

- Control CTP Touch Signpost Moog.

- Fast installation.

- Improvement of productivity.

- Energetic saving with the installation of inverter and/or servomotor in the injection, reduction of electrical consumptions of the 20 to 50%.

- Crowd of options, hot cameras, sequential, noyos, etc.

- minimum Spare parts, immediate term and prices inmejorables.