Bolueta Engineering Group - Machining with chip extraction

Construction and mechanisation of pieces: under plane of the customers

Picture of Construction and mechanisation of pieces
The Metallurgical group of Bolueta, S.A. is integrated cheese cheese by two companies, Metallurgist of Bolueta and Metallurgical of Bengoetxe, that from his foundation in the year 1964 complement between yes to offer the best service and quality in the construction and mechanisation of pieces under plane of customer. The group develops his activity in two plants with a total of 5.075 m2 of surface covered, with a modern machinery and with a team of 92 professionals and technicians experienced, that comes realising 120.000 h of mechanised to the year.

The signature applies a control of rigorous quality, realised with the most modern technology. This control allows them fulfil the prescriptions of quality in accordance with the needs of each customer.