Máquina Center, S.A. (MAQCENTER) - Lathing centres

Okuma MacTurn 250/350/550

Centres/Centers of turning-milled: to produce complete complex pieces

Picture of Centres/Centers of turning-milled
The centres/centers of turning-milled model MacTurn 250/350/550 of Okuma, company commercialised/commercialized by Machine Center, S.A., are indicated to produce complete complex pieces.?n Of a big flexibility since it integrates technologies like the turning, milled, taladrado of deep holes, cut bent, turning-milled, milled of thread, milled eccentric, milled of polygons, cut, cut synchronised/synchronized and simultaneous cut. With this flexibility realises/realizes works in a cycle of form very fast and recovers a big potential of innovation in new constructions. This means that it can change the material of the piece in the rough, combine pieces in one, reduce the size of batch and reduce the available stock, between others.%It takes it treats of machines that have of a wide transversal section and are of bancada rigid. They are designed to bear big efforts(until 31 t of weight). They integrate a powerful husillo main of until 37 kW and a husillo of milled of until 22 kW.%aSon Machines multifunción that control 9 axes, simultaneous cut until 5 axes and have of different types of handle of tools: BT50, HSK-To 63, KM 63 and ATTRACT C 6.?rrido Fast is until 40 m/min and the mechanised/mechanized complete with subhusillo.