Máquina Center, S.A. (MAQCENTER) - Lathing centres

Okuma MacTurn 250, 350 y 550

Centres/Centers of turning and milled: they have a control of until 9 axes

Picture of Centres/Centers of turning and milled
The centres/centers of turning and milled integrated of Okuma, designated series MacTurn, have a control of until nine axes.%aMáquina Center, S.A. commercialises/commercializes the models MacTurn 250, 350 and 550, which can come instrumented with multiple and flexible configurations, motorised/motorized inferior turrets or no, subhusillos, diverse capacities of warehouse of tools, etc.%aLos models LT200M and LT300M are lathes multifunción of 4 axes that come instrumented with two turrets and two husillos that allow to incorporate besides an axis And. These lathes reduce until 40% the time of mechanised/mechanized with regard to a conventional lathe. Between the most notable advantages with the previous models of Okuma (LT10M and LT15), stand out the turrets that work indistinctly with both husillos. Likewise, the main engines have a greater power, have the function of motorisation/motorization of tool (M) with an increase of power of 65% and have of a greater mechanical rigidity.