Máquina Center, S.A. (MAQCENTER) - Lathing centres

Okuma Multus B400

Centre/Center of turning/milled: for the mechanised/mechanized complete of big and complex pieces

Picture of Centre/Center of turning/milled

Okuma, represented in Spain by Machine Center, commercialises/commercializes the Multus B400, a centre/center of innovative/milled turning for the mechanised/mechanized complete of big and complex pieces; the CNC of Okuma OSP-P200 offers the greater ease of handle and the maximum security.?ro Of turning/milled Multus B300 offers, with until seven axes CNC, a cinematic sophisticated for mechanised/mechanized complete of complex pieces with the greater quality. In particular, the control Okuma P200 offers, with his two operating systems working to the unísono, the System for Anti-collision ‘CAS' and systems of programming assisted, eases to achieve the maximum comfort of operation, security of operation and time of programming and installation reduced.?it Multus B400 presents a capacity of length of turning of some 1.500 mm and uses a husillo sobredimensionado of 80 mm of diameter and 22 kW/3.800 rpm (dish 250/315) / optionally husillo of 100 mm of diameter and 30 kW/2.800 rpm (dish 315/400). The pair of start of shaving of this machine can be of 700 or 900 Nm. The husillo of milled has 14 kW like standard to a speed of maximum rotation of 6.000 rpm, optional 20 kW for 10.000 rpm maximum, with what Multus B400 is appropriate for mechanised/mechanized of high speed, especially the advances of fast route of 40/40/26 m/min (in X/And/Z). The rigidity and the amortiguación of the guides anti-friction of cylindrical rollers increase simultaneously the soft operation, silent and stable, in definite obtain mechanised/mechanized with a surface of perfect piece and a greater life of tool.

This machine presents a new design with reforzamiento substantial regarding the rollings so much of the husillo main like the one of milled, this incide in a better precision in the mechanised/mechanized complete of pieces of big size. The warehouse of tools comes with 20 accommodations like standard, existing the optional of 40 and 80 stations. The standard cone is HSK-To63 being option the system Attract C6.la big mass and the centre/center of low gravity of the machine minimise/minimize the vibrations.m. The axis B turns in increases of 0,001° between -30° and 195° (225°) and the axis C in complete circle with resolution of 0,001°.The big mass and the centre/center of low gravity of the machine minimise/minimize the vibrations.n Stability and mechanised/mechanized of precision.%Big wing mass and the centre/center of low gravity of the machine minimise/minimize the vibrations. All the mechanical design of the structure is studied until the last detail so that the efforts of the same are optimised/optimized.%aTal As it occurs in the lower brother, the Multus B300, the construction bases in the exclusive concept “Thermo- Friendly” patented by Okuma, what allows a control of the possible deviations because of the thermal effect. The bancada and the telescopic are moldeadas in cold, the linear extension of the husillo of milled compensates with the opposite extension of the telescopic transversal, whereas the husillo moves to the same level that the tool. The offer of Okuma complete with the husillos of balls pretensados and the electronic compensation of other possible thermal variations.?on el New centre/center of turning/milled of 7 axes Okuma Multus B400, the applications adapt to any case of mecanizado.el new control P200 of Okuma integrates two autarchic operating systems and the innovative system to avoid collisions CAS.ontrol P200 of Okuma integrates two autarchic operating systems and the innovative system to avoid collisions CAS. With CAS the applications can reduce time and costs until a 50 % during the start of new programs of mechanised/mechanized.%aMultus B400 comes instrumented with the new PC-CNC Okuma OSP-200 with LCD of 15 inches and tactile signpost of ergonomic operator, newspaper and comfortable that presented for the first time in EMO 2005.?, with this new development, Okuma establishes new standards: The control works with two independent operating systems –one for functions oriented to PC and the another for mechanised/mechanized reliable CNC.?ftware Uses the operating system oriented to the operator Windows XP and of parallel way uses a safe operating system CNC in real time for the functions of machine. Thanks to the architecture of the control, the principle of dual programming of Okuma – the programming of optional extended dialogue with the automatic creation of plans of work and/or programming DIN/ISO– increases with a third column with Windows XP. The customer has a lot of more possibilities.?e esa Way the users will be able to use applications of Windows, for example, programs in format Excel, to manage data and parameters in shape of table with the typical comfort of Windows.%aPero Still there is more: another strong point of P200 is the new protection against collisions CAS. With her, the users can reduce by means of simulation costs of until the 50 % when initiating new programs of new and complex pieces. With CAS the users can avoid losses of time and money by collisions of reliable way when initiating new programs. Besides, with the system anti-collisions in real time CAS, the cost by piece can reduce drastically thanks to the lower time of adjust / operation.%aSin Embargo, CAS no only simulates the situation of mechanised/mechanized virtual before the production but it also allows for the first time the control in real time during the mechanised/mechanized of t For the control of the possible collisions, the data related with the machine like the husillo or the counterpoint, already are integrated in the system. The relative information to the piece, toolings, fixations and tools take automatically of the NC, once mattered the data in the appropriate format or manualmente when the operator enters them of interactive and direct way in the control through the program Easy-CAD with which comes instrumented the control.