Fagor Automation, S.Coop. - CNC numeric controls

Fagor CNC 8060

CNC numeric controls: during the mechanised of a piece, can go preparing and simulating the following piece

Picture of CNC numeric controls
The CNC 8060 is the CNC ideal for the work on foot of machine by his innovative ergonomic design, with tactile screen, integrated mouse, connector USB,… and a very visual navigation, with an operative that results really intuitive.

Adapting to the needs of the user offers until four ways to program the pieces, being able to even combine them between them.

- The language standard ISO to optimise to the maximum the execution of the pieces.

- The parametric language for repetitive works in the machines (allowing to the user the creation of his own routines or cycles).

- The language ProGTL3, so that the user can program the form of the piece visualising simultaneously the geometry that is elaborating.

- The interactive language IIP (Interactive Icon-based Pages) where the operario, by means of the use of intuitive cycles (without need to use the language ISO), defines the geometry of the piece to realizar, the tool and the conditions of mechanised, and the CNC commissions to realizar the rest.

It results usual that a lot of pieces to mechanise generate in a Cad-Cam. The CNC 8060 optimises the series of points obtained softening the paths by means of the creation of polynomials (Splines). This polynomial interpolation contributes an excellent superficial finishing to the piece and a high speed of mechanised.

This functionality is integrated inside the system of mechanised HSSA (High Speed Surface Accuracy) exclusive of Fagor, which offers a double profit:

- they reduce the efforts to which sees subjected the mechanics of the machine, with what the life of his components lengthens .

- Thanks to the reduction of vibrations, achieve movements softer that allow to elevate the value of the speed of advance and reduce the error in the mechanised.

The CNC8060 also allows, during the mechanised of a piece, the possibility to go preparing and simulating the following piece, that is to say, the charts will be able to use simultaneously in the way execution and in the one of simulation.

In complex pieces are used to to exist special characteristics that are not appreciable with a general sight. For these cases, offers the possibility to cut the piece of work with one or more sections to see the interior of the piece and verify it to the detail.

In mechanised of long length, if they produce unforeseen stops of the machine by external causes (a cut of light, a problem in the machine...), the recovery of the unfinished piece results very laborious.

The CNC Fagor help to resolve these incidences taking advantage of the mechanised realizar and avoiding repeat the program. It suffices with effecting a research of automatic block until the exact point of interruption and continue the execution.

When they appreciate imperfections in the zone of interruption, can simulate the program until a next zone to the point of interruption and continue the mechanised reviewing the piece damaged.