Heller Ibérica Machine Tools, S.L. - Multifunction turning centers

Heller ABC

Automatic lathes: they work with 3 tools simultaneously

Picture of Automatic lathes
The automatic lathes ABC 65 that commercialises Heller Iberica Machine Tools combine a compact design and ensure a high productivity and performance thanks to the possibility to work with 3 tools simultaneously.

Also thanks to the interpolation of the axis H ( twist of the turret milling machines) together with the axis C and X endow to the machine of 2 axles And ( one for each turret milling machines) in the standard configuration.

They stand out by his capacity of bar (until 65 mm) and lengths of piece of until 250 mm. The machine is thought to be able to to automate it easily for the realisation of patterned pieces or works of bar.