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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector dental representa el 80% de la industria de tecnología sanitaria de Fenin
With a global turnover rises to the 455 M€

The dental sector represents 80% of the industry of sanitary ware technology

Editorial Interempresas26/05/2014
The sector dentral of Fenin is integrated by sixty-six national companies and international devoted to the manufacture, distribution and commercialisation of equipment and materials of the field odontológico between which find consumables material for dental clinics and prothetic laboratories and miscellaneous equipment like dental units, equipment of sterilisation, equipment of oral image and intraoral, CAD/CAM, etc. Of agreement to the study realizar by Key-Stone, the volume of dental market in Spain in 2013 increased around 2%, with a value of more than 465 million euros, figure that includes the equipment of dental clinics and prothetic laboratories, consumables, teeth, implants and technical service.

The fear to the dentist is something very common and extended in the society. In fact, the odontofobia is so frequent that 45,5% of the Spaniards prefers to sacrifice his health bucodental before that attend to the query of the dentist, without taking into account that a bad buccal hygiene increases the risk to suffer cardiac problems, diabetes or other illnesses sistémicas. Little by little, the dental sector has gone working on technologies and systems for the control of the pain and the anxiety of the patient, to which have gone adding important advances in surgery of minimum invasion, technicians of manufacture of dental prostheses and treatments regenerativos that accelerate the recovery. These were some of the novelties presented in the past edition of Expodental, the International Living room of Equipment, Products and Dental Services, organised in Madrid by Ifema in collaboration with the Spanish Federation of Companies of Sanitary ware Technology (Fenin).


An increasing and innovative sector

The dental sector represents 80% of the sector of the sanitary ware technology and engloba the manufacture, distribution and commercialisation of equipment and materials of the field odontológico so much to dental clinics as to prothetic laboratories. In 2012, the volume of dental market in Spain was of 455 million euros, 6,95% less regarding the previous year. From the 2006, the figure of export of the sector of sanitary ware technology has increased in 24% until closing the exercise 2012 with a turnover of 1.882.924 of euros.

This presence in the mercadores external is fruit of the quality of the services and products realizar in Spain. But the most important, “is that in the last years have lived big advances in the Odontology that are allowing to realizar better diagnostics and treatments of the illnesses”, underline from Fenin. These innovations translate in a substantial improvement of the quality of life of the patients and in an implantation of processes more efficient in the dental clinics and in the prothetic laboratories with the application of the new technologies.


Spain, between the 5 first

The Spanish Federation of Companies of Sanitary ware Technology (Fenin) represents to more than 500 companies manufacturers and distributors in Spain, that constitute more than 80% of the total volume of business. The national market forms part, beside Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy, of the five countries that represent 75% of the European market. Likewise the sector of Sanitary ware Technology has been identified by the Ministry of Science and Innovation like strategic agent in the field of the health and like one of the markets prioritarios inside the State Strategy of Innovation.

The up to date figures of the sector are reflect in the Memory of Fenin:

Related Companies or Entities

Federación Española de Empresas de Tecnología Sanitaria

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