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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Xavier Camí, director del departamento de innovación y desarrollo de negocio de Avinent
“The implants Avinent, manufactured in titanium, have a rich surface in calcium and phosphorus, what confers them the properties biomiméticas”

Interview to Xavier Camí, director of the department of innovation and development of business of Avinent

Esther Güell18/01/2013

The medical sector in general, and the world of the implantología dental in particular, has lived in the last years a technological revolution to speed of vértigo that has changed radically the ways to work of his professionals. Behind them they find companies as Avinent, for which the investigation and the development of products for the sector form part of his DNA. But these require, to his time, of the solutions of mechanised, design and simulation more advanced. Avinent, one of the companies of reference in implantología and dental prostheses, trusts for this in DMG Mori Seiki Iberian, as it explains Xavier Camí, director of the department of innovation and development of business.

To start with, it could describe the general lines of the activity of Avinent?

Avinent Is a skilled signature in the development, manufacture and sale of products and services of the dental sector. Has two basic lines of activity: on the one hand it has created and commercialised a system of dental implants with a surface biomimética. On the other hand, it has set up the line of development and manufacture of prothetic structures by means of systems CAD-CAM and with multiple materials. In the frame of this line of digital solutions, the centre of milling of Avinent keeps an agreement of collaboration and technological transfer with the international group called CORE3D Centre. This group, with presence in the 5 continents, is leader in systems odontológicos digital and keeps to the avant-garde of the sector. Avinent Has turned into a platform of prothetic solutions and of access to the digital odontology.

In the process, since the patient attends to the dentist until it receives his piece, where is Avinent? Can compare it with the traditional system?

In the actuality, the dental implants are the optimum solution, that has left totally obsolete traditional systems like the bridges or dentures postizas. Avinent No only has created an implant that favours a fast integration with the osseous fabric thanks to his surface biomimética, sinó that facilitates all the components and solutions for the placing of the tooth or definite teeth, from the systems of subjection until the manufacture of the structure of the own piece, available in multiple materials. The system of implants and prothetic solutions Avinent are a safe solution, aesthetic and optimum for all type of cases.

The R&D is the reason to be of Avinent. They devote to this 8% of the annual turnover
The R&D is the reason to be of Avinent. They devote to this 8% of the annual turnover.

Like specialists in implantología dental, which technological evolution has lived this segment in the last years?

The evolution has been vertiginous in the last years. At present already it is a reality the digital odontology, with systems advanced like the scanner intraoral, that allows to take digital samples of the mouth of the patient, what does unnecessary the annoying and imprecise silicones. Equally, already they are fully operative the innovative processes of design with computer of structures and systems CAD-CAM. Regarding the milling of structures, works with machines of high technology and of big precision, that minimise any possibility of error.

Which percentage of his production is for the Spanish market and which for the international? It has grown this figure in the last years? To which countries export more?

The percentage of production for the foreign market is around 25%. The countries where Avinent already has opened markets are Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Benelux, Denmark, Turkey, Morocco, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, Japan and Hong Kong, among others. The signature is implanted in the five continents and continues exploring new markets where in which export his technology, products and services.

The dental sector is perhaps one of the most dynamic regarding investigation refers . Until which point is important the budget in R&D in Avinent?

The R&D is the reason to be of Avinent. We devote to this 8% of the annual turnover. We have of a team typical of investigation, and are in contact and permanent collaboration with universities and technology centres to realise basic and clinical investigation. Avinent Publishes with frequency scientific studies on implantología, participates in international congresses and has clear that the future goes through to follow innovando.

Central headquarters of Avinent Implant System, Santpedor, in the region of the Bages, Barcelona
Central headquarters of Avinent Implant System, Santpedor, in the region of the Bages, Barcelona.

Which is the greater difficulty when manufacturing this type of implants?

More than difficulties, what is remarkable is that we manufacture sanitary ware material, that places in mouth of the patient by means of surgical processes. This requires logically some conditions of manufacture of the absolutely guaranteeed material. Avinent Has of all the sanitary ware certifications (mark CE, ISO13485, etc.) and of the most reliable systems of control of quality. Special quotation deserves the sterilisation of the implants, that realises in a skilled company of Switzerland, that only works with the main marks of implants.

They are forced to work in conditions of white room? Which class of room has to be and how have it structured?

Of course, is absolutely necessary to work in conditions of white room. We have of white rooms with microbiological control, subjected to rigorous conditions of hygiene, temperature, etc., where is strictly compulsory to access with the suitable clothing, that acts of filter barrier to protect to the productive processes and to the final product of any possible human pollution or environingingmental. We have also of specific zones highly skilled, rooms of chemical treatments, zones for the manipulation of the titanium, etc.

Which are the current tendencies in the odontology?

The population is increasingly conscious of the idoneidad of the dental implants, and the professionals decant by systems like which offers Avinent, with a surface designated Biomimetic Advanced Surface, especially designed to favour the fast integration with the human bone. Also it is necessary to have of implants with distinct geometries to be able to use in function of each need. It is what also guarantees Avinent, that has of the Choral systems and Ocean, to give answer to all type of cases. Regarding structures, the current tendencies go through the digitalisation and the systems CAD-CAM in all the process of obtaining of prothetic structures.

And regarding materials?

The implants Avinent, manufactured in titanium, have a rich surface in calcium and phosphorus, what confers them the properties biomiméticas. Regarding the prothetic world, have lived a fast evolution from the material more traditional like the titanium or the zirconio, that nevertheless continue using, to new materials, like the chromium-cobalt, the disilicato of lithium, the polymers, etc.

In his work, require of tools and leading machinery in his field. Of which machines have at present?

Certainly the dental implants, the prothetic components and the personalised prostheses have to have a very difficult precision to achieve. For this, use the last available technology in the market.

The greater part of the centres of milling to obtain the personalised prostheses are DMG. At present we have 7 centres of milling. Of these, 5 are DMG-Sauer. 4 of the model HSC 20 Linear and an Ultrasonic 10 with an automaton that changes automatically the raw materials.

The prothetic components and the personalised prostheses have to have a very difficult precision to achieve...
The prothetic components and the personalised prostheses have to have a very difficult precision to achieve. For this, in Avinent use the last available technology in the market.

What did them opt by them? Which provision and advantages would stand out?

When we initiate the project of the centre of milling CORE3D did an assessment of the available machines in the market. We chose DMG valuing the quality, the technical service, the vicinity, and the technology. Later we realise different proofs and essays and observe that they adapted to the needs of this new project.

To finalise, have foreseen some investment to short/half term in new equipment?

The growth continued of the company does that we purchase technology in shape of machinery with regularity. Have expectations to keep growing, by what the investment in new equipment is in our plan of route.

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