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Astes4: Pavilion 5 stand D-71

Cia Automazione: Pavilion 5 stand C-70

InspecVision: Pavilion 5 stand C-71

Laraudogoitia Attends to the BIEMH 2014 with the novelties of his represented

Editorial Interempresas29/04/2014

Laraudogoitia sample in the BIEMH the most stood out novelties of his represented: the last in automation of processes of cut 2D of Astes4, a cell robotizada of mechanised with the new software PowerMILL Robot of CIA Automazione and the range of machines of inspection of InspecVision.

Astes4Sort, the last novelty of Astes4 (pavilion 5 stand D-71)

Treats of an automatic system FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System) patented all over the world and designed specifically for the classification, load and orderly and automatic download of individual pieces, obtained by the machines of cut 2D. Astes4Sort operates with a system of change of automatic tool that allows to instrument each one of the 4 arms with different solutions of taken piece, dimensionadas conveniently to withdraw and deposit the pieces finished or the whole ironingings.

The diverse types of tools of hold are situated in a warehouse of tools and are selected by each arm of accionamiento in accordance with the program of the machine. Can realizar systems of tie up for any type of of utilisation, material, form and size of the piece.

Astes4Sort is an automatic system FMS
Astes4Sort is an automatic system FMS.

The main structure of Astes4Sort consists of two axles X, four axles And, four axles Z and four axles giratorios W. The movements of the axles realizar by means of linear guides and motors brushless controlled by accionamientos digital of last generation. A supervisor manages the movement interpolado and synchronised of all the movements of the axles.

Thanks to his enormous versatility, Astes4Sort is able to realizar so much the classification of an alone piece of big dimensions and of weight (using the four arms simultaneously in way synchronised) or the simultaneous manipulation of four pieces of small size with the possibility to orient them for his storage and apilamiento suitable.

The devices of hold can be of electromagnetic type, tyre or mechanic with solutions of size, form and configuration adapted for all the conditions of work. The combination between the high speed, the flexibility of the organs of tie up and the capacity of classification and simultaneous deposit of more pieces allows a high efficiency of the process of production.

The main structure of Astes4Sort consists of two axles X, four axles And, four axles Z and four axles giratorios W
The main structure of Astes4Sort consists of two axles X, four axles And, four axles Z and four axles giratorios W.

Cell robotizada of mechanised with the new software PowerMILL Robot of CIA Automazione (pavilion 5 stand C-70)

CIA Automation & Robotics is a skilled company in the industrial automation and manufacture of systems robotizados integrated . It has been active from 1982 in the industry in general, automotive sector, plastics, welding and the industries of transformation 2D and 3D.

CIA works with the main constructors of robots like partner certified. With more than 2.000 systems automated installed, is one of the integradores important of the systems automated and of robotics in the market. Also it develops innovative systems in collaboration with the main universities and centres of investigation, as well as with the companies in the avant-garde of the technological investigation.

Sectors of application: Setting, sinóptico of control island and software, alimentary plastic, assistance to machines, manipulation, mechanised marble and stone, mechanised metals, medicine, paletizado, software and simulators for the programming off line.

There are three available configurations for the system of mechanised of the robot:

  1. Small: for cut of stone, plastic and metal. The maximum capacity of load of the robot is of 20 kg. Mandrino Electrical/tyre.
  2. Average: for the processing of light weight in metal, plastic and some types of stone. Maximum capacity of load 150 kg. Mandrino ISO 25.
  3. Big: for the heavy processing on metals, plastic, marble and granite. Robot capacity of load of 200 to 500 kg. Mandrino ISO 40/50.

The basic configuration of the cell includes:

  • Robot of 7 axles.
  • Mandrino Electrical in the doll of the robot.
  • System of automatic change of tools.
  • Refrigeration of the mandrino.
  • Possibility of lubrication/refrigeration in passing of liquid.
  • Table giratoria servocontrolada like external axis of the robot with device of blockade piece.
  • Warehouse of tools of number 6 positions with protection against the dust.
  • Off-line software for the programming of paths.

Exist diverse options:

  • Covered of integrated protection robot
  • Warehouse of 12 - 24 tools
  • Sensor for the identification of the position of the piece
  • Preajuste laser of the tools
  • System of aspiration of dust
  • Tank of collected of liquid
  • Chiller refrigeration by means of liquid of the mandrino electrical
  • Cabin insonorizada
Cell robotizada of mechanised
Cell robotizada of mechanised.

The system of scanner laser (optional) CIA allows to purchase a cloud of points and reproduce it with the end to obtain archives of pieces shows ‘model' (for example, the statues, outlines, maquetas) that can reproduce easily, changing his dimensions if necessary. The cabezal of exploration laser also allows the automatic calibration of the system, the identification of the dimensions and positions of the pieces that process , allowing process also pieces semielaboradas.

The system of off-line programming StereoVision bases in an optical device estereoscópico able to track the movement of any object on which plant specific scoreboards. The object can be tracked by the system, collecting the movements with which the operator simulates a cut or path of mechanised in a piece. This path sends to the robot of control, properly turn# into language of machine, that allows to the robot reproduce exactly the movements as they have carried out by the operator. Like this, the system allows to the robot follow the operations, of fast and simple form, guaranteeing the maximum flexibility without having a specific knowledge of the movements of the robot or of his programming.

Totally integrated inside Delcam PowerMILL CAM, Delcam PowerMILL Robot offers a series of advantages in the programming 3D off line:


  • The programming of robots instrumented with ‘tool in robot' and ‘piece in robot'.
  • Smart to manage external axles, such as the follow-up and tables giratorias.
  • Fast positioning of the robot using an interface of ‘Remote Control' similar to the portable unit of the robot (portable console), and easy movement of the robot in the position wished by means of the use of options in the Jog.


  • The tools 3D of simulation PowerMILL Robot provide a precise representation of the behaviour of the robot.
  • The definition of a strategy of solution to obtain the simulation wished of the robot and the restriction of the movements of the robot by diverse variables such as the axial limits, axles prioritarios and limits of the tool.
  • Gone out of the simulation directly in the native language of the robot, is not necessary any translation through software of third.
  • Storage of favourite configurations of the cell robotizada, like limits of the axles, restrictions, tools and the position of start.


  • PowerMILL Robot offers a complete range of tools of analysis for the complete control of the programming of robots.
  • Viewing of the volume of the zone of work of the robot to optimise the position of the piece inside the volume and allow the maximum access to the piece of work during the mechanised.
  • Visualisation of the maximum movement of each axis of the robot to execute the ways, to analyse the movements and the behaviour of the robot during all the operations.
  • Study of all the possible problems that can prevent the realisation of the paths to the robot, with the notification of the potential final position of the axles and any singularity.
Delcam PowerMILL Robot offers advantages in programming, simulation and analysis for the control of the robot
Delcam PowerMILL Robot offers advantages in programming, simulation and analysis for the control of the robot.

InspecVision Exhibits his range of machines of inspection (pavilion 5 stand C-70)

The Planar system has been especially designed for the control of quality and applications of reverse engineering of flat pieces 2D. The machine measures and/or realizar the reverse engineering of flat pieces that have been manufactured with systems of cut 2D like the by cut by water, laser, plasma and patterned pieces.

There are installed Planar machines and operating in more than 30 countries all over the world. The Planar customers go from small companies of outsourcing until big multinationals, covering almost all the industries that use metallic sheet, such as the sector of the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, the communication, automotive sector, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing... Any material that was flat and opaque such like paper, wood, polymers, cloth, cork and even fabrics can measure in the Planar.

There are skilled modules inside the software to allow to the user measure diverse pieces like boards, tubes, together tóricas... Can measure several pieces at the same time and convert planes of paper in archives of image DXF. With the modulos additional Opti-Scan3D and Opti -Probe can convert the Planar of 2D to a 3D, turning into the most complete system of available measurement.

Unlike other systems with mobile parts, the Planar system does not have mobile parts for recalibrar or that suffer wear. An alone digital camera of ultra high resolution uses to realizar million measurements in all the table in a fraction of second. The speed in the measurement is his strong point, can realizar until 40 million measurements in 0,1 seconds. This does that our system the fastest in the world, so much for the inspection and reverse engineering of flat pieces.

InspecVision Also has the widest range of models and available precisions. The precisions go from + /- 0,012 mm (12 μm) to 0,1 mm (100 μm) and the sizes of table go from 0,17 to 3,7 m2.

Planar machine
Planar machine.

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