Beko Tecnológica España, S.L. - Separadoras de hidrocarburos

Beko Bekosplit

Separador Waters-oil: for the treatment of emulsions of oil and water

Picture of Separador Waters-oil
Bekosplit Of Beko is a system for the treatment of emulsions of oil and water of residual waters, by-products that form , with frequency and in big quantities, in processes of production and of preparation. They are industrial waste that can not be poured without previous treatment, for what Bekosplit is a suitable solution. In the majority of the cases these emulsions are stable, with the micropartículas of oil floating in suspension in the water, by what the physical separation by gravity is not sufficient.?it Offers a reliable technician, adding to the emulsions a natural mineral of oxide of aluminium/aluminum that allows that the contaminantes no hidrosolubles (like oils or animal and vegetal fats) are withdrawn of the residual waters. Besides, with this system, the particles of heavy metals, of colour/color and of dirt, are absorbed fiablemente.?oceso Also is useful for the treatment of condensed air compressed. In the compression of air and gases of processes use compressors lubricated by oil that produce condensed that contain oil. Precisely the conditions desfavorables of aspiración and the selection of the oil lubricante, all this in combination with the type of compressor, can favour/favor the creation of stable emulsions where systems of separation like the Öwamat is not effective.?amiento With the Bekosplit is appropriate mainly for emulsions of water/oil with a fraction of inferior oil to 1%, what means a treatment almost without wastes, while the residual mud that produces can recycle or delete.?This is simple, the emulsions arrive to the tank of preseparación, where effects a preliminary treatment. After the separation by gravity, proceeds to the treatment in the tank of reaction. In an alone operation realises/realizes the dissociation and the separation of the emulsion.