Gab Sistemática Analítica, S.L. - Analizadores de dióxido de azufre, valoradores o titradores


Pack of sulphur analysis: for white, rosé, red wines, Vinegars, etc

Picture of Pack of sulphur analysis
Pack of reagents for the determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2) free and total in wines, musts, champans, Vinegars, cider, etc. by the Ripper method.

Content:-1 x 1000 Sun. valuation - 1 x 1000 acid - 1 x 500 almidon-indicador - 1 x 1000 alkali.

-Instructions features: - quick - easy - for white, rosé, red wines, Vinegars, etc. - direct, result without using Calculator - around of 200 determinations - Ripper method necessary Material: - 1 pipette 25 mL capacity 2 - 5 mL 2 pipettes graduates - 1 pipette 10 mL graduated - 1 burette, 25 mL - 1 stand burette - 1 clamp with nut - 1 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask - 1 Cap no. 7 - 1 PEAR rubber rubber vacuum pipettes.