Gab Sistemática Analítica, S.L. - Oxímetros y otros analizadores de oxígeno

Milwaukee Martini MI605

Portable Oximeters: for the determination of dissolved oxygen in wines

Picture of Portable Oximeters
Mi605 is a portable Oximeter based on a microprocessor to measure dissolved oxygen, with automatic calibration and temperature compensation (ATC), designed specifically for applications of sampling point. Dissolved oxygen measurements can be displayed in parts per million (ppm = mg / L) or in % of saturation. The temperature is indicated in degrees ° C from 0 to 50 with a resolution of 0.1. Salinity and altitude meter automatically compensates for after the introduction manual.

The calibration is very simple and fast: only expose probe MA840 polarographic of oxygen dissolved, supplied with the instrument, to the air and press the CAL button. There is no need for chemical solutions. A Hold button allows the user to freeze the reading on the LCD screen.

The battery indicator low and easy-to-replace screw cap membranes. The Mi605 is a compact and ideal instrument for all applications: aquaculture, waste water, environment, education, winemaking.