Beko Tecnológica España, S.L. - Filtros de aire

Beko Clearpoint 3E

Filters for air compressesed: they cover a rank between 35 and 34.680 m³/h to 7 bar

Picture of Filters for air compressesed

Beko Technologies Presents the filters for air compressesed Clearpoint 3And. The quotation ‘3And' refers to that the elements filtrantes are 'efficient elements energetically'. They cover a rank between 35 and 34.680 m³/h to 7 bar, with special models for high pressesures, until 500 bar.

Instrumented with his carcasas designed to optimise the step of the flow of the air and recubiertas by a treatment anticorrosión, these elements filtrantes improved do that the system Clearpoint offer a reliable leak with some costs of operation and energetic significantly lower.

The elements filtrantes 3And manufacture without substances of union. The fibres of borosilicato (average, fine and superfinas) merge térmicamente. The big quantity of fibres of inferior diameter ensures a structure fibrilar finer, resulting in a surface of leak 4 greater times that the existent in elements filtrantes conventional, and this with an upper empty volume.

Between his characteristics stand out:

-Flow of the discharge optimised: until 30% with regard to conventional elements

-Differential of pressesure optimised for a greater energetic efficiency

-Level of leak improved;Big capacity of absorption of the dirt

-Absence of release of solid particles

-Low resistance to the step of the discharge thanks to the carcasa with inner cylinder of stainless steel.

The Clearpoint 3And fulfil the norm ISO 12.500. Changing to Clearpoint 3 the energetic saving can reach 10%.