Sanimedic - Therapeutic products for sport

Medi 303

Bandages of compressesion: of short extensibilidad and of forceful contextura

Picture of Bandages of compressesion
Sanimedic Offers to his customers sell of compressesion Medi 303, colour leather, of short extensibilidad and of forceful contextura. They are composed 100% of cotton and are not deshilachables. They possess elasticity to consequence of the threads of cotton strongly reinforced (extensibilidad at least 90%) for the maximum exigencias therapeutic.

The bandages of compressesion are especially appropriate in the therapy of compressesion for vendajes forceful, compressesors and of support of all class. Like vendaje of relief, of support and of articulations with torceduras, luxations, distortions and tendovaginitis.