Facet Box, S.L. - Emergency light systems

Autonomous case of light led: with autonomy for 15 h

Picture of Autonomous case of light led
Facet Box, S.L. It commercialises the case of portable and autonomous lighting of the signature i2D Engineering, a concept of lighting totally autonomous, in addition to being apt to work in extreme environingingments or neglected and of difficult access.

It treats of a family of small cases that, by means of batteries, allows to have of a powerful source of light during more than 15 h, so that it will not be necessary to have of a system of auxiliary feeding, that in addition to expensive, is noisy and contaminante.

All the elements that compose the system are designed so that it can realise a deployment of fast and efficient form in less than a minute, what does it highly adapted to work in addition to in any remote place, in situations of emergency.

The devices of cases of portable lighting have a big flexibility to be able to load by different means (solar, to the network, through the vehicle, by generator, etc.). They are totally orientables in 360° and with any angle of inclination, what gives them a big operative flexibility.

There are three models, of one, two and four foci respectively.