Medical Precisión Implants, S.A. (MPI) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Medical Precisión Implants, S.A. (MPI)
Solidaridad, 2, Nave C - Pol. Ind. Los Olivos
28906 Getafe (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑916846063  
🖷:  +34‑916846079
Manufacture of dental implants and medical equipment

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Medical Precisión Implants, S.A. (MPI)

To be able to offer their products and services to the international industry of medical implants, MPI developed a close relationship with its customers and helps them find solutions that exceed their expectativas.eriencia of their professionals.

To be able to offer their products and services to the international industry of medical implants, MPI developed a close relationship with its customers and helps them find solutions that exceed your expectations.

Its maximum of zero defects, ensured through rigorous quality control in design and throughout the entire chain of production and processing, makes its products in the tranquility and security of the professional.

Currently Medical Precision Implants has 3 business lines:-systems of dental implant.
-Surgical instruments.
-(OEM) original equipment manufacturer.

His business style, wisely mixed with the most modern technologies, puts MPI in a position favorable growth and maximum expansion.