Infomed Servicios Informáticos, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Infomed Servicios Informáticos, S.L.
Vía Augusta, 158 4ª Planta
08006 Barcelona Spain
☎:  +34‑934144340   +34‑902104422  
🖷:  +34‑932090809
Development of software for the sanitary ware sector

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Infomed Servicios Informáticos, S.L.

Infomed Is the company leader in developing Spain of sanitary ware software, with more than 22 years of experience.

The company operates in 2 big areas of business Dental Software and Medical Software, with the suite of software more complete of the market: software of management, treatment of images, mobile devices, treatments implantológicos, etc. In addition to the development of products of software, Infomed offers to his customers a wide range of services like quality consultancy, supply of networks and computer systems, technical service, learning, design and creation of web pages etc.

The software developed by Infomed for the management of dental clinics "Gesden" is the leader in Spain with more than 6.000 dental clinics computerised. It is the most complete solution and advanced for the integral management of the dental clinic.
A program that ensures the good operation in all the areas of the clinic and that improves the attention to the patient and the quality of service.

The company explains besides with the portal of reference in the dental sector Infomed Dental ( with more than 8.500 registered and 90.000 monthly visits. It presents all the information of interest for odontólogos and professional of the health: news, clinical cases, videos, diary of events, stock exchange of work, directory of interest etc.

In Abril 2012, the company joined to the Group Henry Schein, converting like this in the greater provider in the surroundings of the private clinic in Spain.