Barnigrado, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Barnigrado, S.L.
Colom, 451-453, nave C40
08223 Terrassa (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑902425000   +34‑937219314  
🖷:  +34‑935507383
Technical services and of quality for the sector vinícola

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Barnigrado, S.L.

Of recent creation, Barnigrado offers the technical services of professionals of first level, with experience in industry Agroalimentaria/Big national and international Consumption and with the know-do that they contribute the more than 35 years of vintages of Vinyatall (his company origin).

Vinyatall With more than 400 installations in our country, took in 2009 the decision to evolve his service and technology in cellars by means of the creation of this new company. With the same technical and commercial team that Vinyatall, more a new department of engineering, the company Barnigrado, Services for Analysis of the Degree has the will to offer the best services, technology and products in refractometría, control and analysis of the quality of the grape, fruit, juices, drunk:

- Sale of refractómetros and his accessories

- Sale of spare parts and liquids of calibration

- Maintenance, review and calibration of equipment

- Technical service for failures

- Technical projects for new installations

- Projects of classification of quality of grape in reception

Barnigrado Is inscribed in the Register of Control Metrológico for the maintenance and repair of refractómetros.