
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at NPK lanza nuevos martillos de mínimo peso y máximo rendimiento
New Series PH of hydraulics hammers of light range

NPK Launches new hammers of minimum weight and maximum performance

Editorial Interempresas09/01/2014

NPK, signature of reference in the manufacture of implementos hydraulics for the demolition and the recycling, represented in Spain by the company Aleximport, has incorporated to his range the new Series PH of light hydraulics hammers, characterised for enjoying of a solider design, compact and simplified, that improves the performance and facilitates the maintenance.

The hammers of the Series PH of the Japanese manufacturer NPK incorporate a new concept of construction, ‘Solid Body', thanks to the cual elements of the hammer like the cylinder, the support of barrena, the disk of impact and the main valve remain integrated in an alone piece, manufactured with steel carburizado. This allows the elimination of the lateral bolts, whose function was to join all these pieces.

New hydraulics hammer PH-2 of NPK
New hydraulics hammer PH-2 of NPK.

When having less components that the hammers of other series, the maintenance of this hammer simplifies and abarata. His lower weight confers him a better balance with the excavator and his relation weigh/power is more favourable.

These hammers explain also with a system against the strike in empty easy to connect and desconectar by the own operario of the machine in the same work.

Besides, NPK has developed a carcasa with acoustic isolation improved that protects better the hammer against impacts and damages by lateral efforts.

The range PH has 3 models:

- The model PH-1, indicated for excavators of 2 to 3,5 tonnes.

- The model PH-2, indicated for excavators of 3 to 5,5 tonnes.

- The model PH-3, indicated for excavators of 4 to 9 tonnes.


- Maintenance simpler

- New system of valve

- Casquillo Support barrena of positioning deslizante

- Bulón Of greater retention

- Same barrena that the Series GH

- Greater balance with the excavator

- Easy to connect for the martilleo in empty

- Lower weight

- Lower pressesure of gas (only 1.2MPa).

- Without lateral bolts

- Cylinder treated

- Less pieces

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