6 Companies de Oil mist filters


Chiron Iberia, S.A.U.

Pol. Ind. de Itziar, Parcela F, Pabellón 2
20829 Itziar - Deba (Gipuzkoa)

Distributor of machine tools. Manufacturing systems engineering.

Daisa Technologic, S.L.

Urdaneta Bidea, 13. Local 4 - Apartado de Correos 383 - Pol. Ind. Abendaño
20800 Zarautz (Gipuzkoa)

Accessories for machine tools, extraction and purification systems

Esta Apparatebau GmbH & Co. Kg - Absaug- und Filtertechnik

Gotenstrabe, 2-6
89250 Senden

Extraction of fumes and dust

Eydo Technology, S.L.

Jaume Roca, 22 Nave D - Pol. Ind. Can Clapers
08181 Sentmenat (Barcelona)

Manufacturing of grinding and cutting, and sharpening machines selling disks.

Iberclean, S.A.

Pol. Ind. Les Ginesteres. C/ Les Ginesteres, 13
08293 Collbató (Barcelona)

Commercialisation, design and setting of equipment and installations of aspiration and filtraje

Nederman Ibérica, S.A.

Av. Camino de Lo Cortao, 34, Nave 5
28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)

Solutions for the improvement of the working environment.