Atlas Copco, S.A.E. - Div. Compresores - Air dryers

dryers of adsorption: air compressesed for cycles of dried retardados

Picture of dryers of adsorption

Atlas Copco enters three new ranges of dryers of adsorption, designed to offer efficiency with some reduced falls of pressesure and some cycles of dried retardados. Besides, these equipment guarantee a high performance and a point of rocío to constant pressesure, even to full load, in any condition. The new products include two ranges of dryers of adsorption without thermal sensors regeneration: the CD 25±145+ and the CD 110±300+. The third new range includes the dryers with regeneration by soplante BD 100±300+, that offer robustness and energetic efficiency. Using air acclimatise heated for the regeneration, this range of dryers keeps some costs of minimum power.

These three new ranges of dryers of adsorption are adapted for the industries and applications more demanding, like the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, foods and drunk, pharmaceutical products, oil and gas, between others.

The new series CD±BD+ reduce the consumption of power and the footprint of carbon when minimising the falls of pressesure and optimise the cycle of regeneration. Basically, the sensor of point of rocío to pressesure measures the humidity that remains in the air compressesed, detects when the active tower is entirely saturated and alternating the functions of the two towers in the optimum moment. Thanks to the conmutación in function of the point of rocío, the cycles of dried retardan, with what obtains an energetic saving of until 90% compared with the systems of conmutación more traditional.

The dryers CD+ use a part of the dry air to regenerate his towers, whereas the BD+ employ mainly air acclimatise to dry his desiccant. Like the CD+ do not use air acclimatise, also are adapted for dangerous conditions.