Phoenix Contact, S.A. - Data transmission equipment

Phoenix RAD-Line

Wireless transmission of signals: for big distances

Picture of Wireless transmission of signals
The system RAD-Line Series of Phoenix Contact complements the wide range of wireless solutions for the transmission of analog and digital signals in industrial applications to big distances.

The RAD-Line transmits signals of communication series in format RS232, RS422 or RS485. His big advantage roots in that it is possible to create networks of until 254 remote points, communicated all they with a central point teacher of said communication.

By means of the use of cabeceras Modbus associated to these equipment is possible to collect multiple signals of And/S in any point of the installation and carry them directly to the PLC of control without need of wired up neither civil work and with the consequent saving of costs of installation and hand of work.

The equipment use the already known and sobradamente tested technology “Trusted Wireless” that provides a robust and reliable communication in industrial applications and allows to cover distances of until 3 kilometres. Another advantage of this technology is that no precise of licences neither permissions for his implantation.