Gneuss Kunststofftechnik, GmbH - Viscometers

Viscosímetro On-line

Picture of Viscosímetro On-line
Gneuss Has developed a compact unit for the monitory and saved of the parameters reológicos. The Viscosímetro On-line has a very compact design to be placed, for example, between two boards of bridas. The channel of mass melted of plastic can be designed so that it was exactly the same to the channel of existent melted mass, between 20 and 110mm. The unit includes a bomb of polimero, accionamiento of the bomb, transductores of pressesure, sensors of temperature and the systems of control, evaluation and visualisation.

The configuration of the parameters of process, the evaluation and the visualisation is realised through a screen to the amicable touch. Eventualmente, the electrical team can be integrated cheese cheese with a system of existent control.

The monitory unit and shows the values for viscosidad and the speed of representative cut, added to the monitory of the temperatures and pressesures of the masses melted of plastic.

The viscosímetro on-line offers the following advantages:

- Short time of residence, there are not zones died do not remain rests in the channels of mass melted of plastic.

- They do not register elastic properties due to the fact that the measurement does a one section of rectangular crosses.

- Bypass Polymer, therefore there is not loss of mass melted of plastic.

- Minimum variations of the temperature (< 2 °C) of all the parts in contact with the mass melted of plastic.

- It is possible a complete cleaning without interruption of the processes of production.

- Design very compact, flexible adaptation to tubes of mass melted or to lines of existent extrusion.