Iberclean, S.A. - Turbines

Kiekens F, J y U

Turbines multietapa: apt for crowd of industrial applications

Picture of Turbines multietapa

The range of turbines of Kiekens is wide and covers the most usual needs of networks of aspiración and vacio. They base in different number and type of rotors in series. Like this, they have of turbines of 3-, 5- and 7- stages and diverse motorisations and possible revolutions to provide a wide rank of provision. The range is designed for a work to high revolutions in a compact resultant group.

His operation in dry free of oil does that the air do not have to be later filtered by this reason.

His applications are many and his rotors balanced do that his operation was free of vibrations and to a lower audible level.

This range of turbines, composed by the models F, J and Or, is apt for crowd of industrial applications in which it requires a no very high discharge of air in combination with high pressesures or depressesions even upper to 36.000 Pa.

Usual applications:

• Networks centralised aspiración

• pneumatics Transport.

• Aireación Of liquids.

• Elevation/descent by empty.

• Vacuums Industrial

• Installations of dried by blown

• Fluidificación

• Installations of transport of documents.