Instrumentos Testo, S.A. - Pressure transmitters and sensors

Testo 6383

Transmitter of differential pressesure: created for his installation in the wall of a white room

Picture of Transmitter of differential pressesure

Instruments Testo presents a range of transmitters of differential pressesure manufactured especially for each specific situation inside a white room or his surroundings regarding design and operation.

The most special version of these transmitters, the testo 6383, is created for his installation in the wall of a white room, since his frontal design entirely plane allows to bed it in the signpost of control of the same. The sensors piezoresistivos cover the rank of measurement until 10 Pa, freely scalable until 50% upper or inferior to the rank of nominal measurement, what means a maximum of -5 to 15 Pa. The transmitter integrates without problems thanks to the adaptative analog exits. In addition to the differential pressesure, the transmitter also has of the possibility of measurement of temperature and humidity. The testo 6383 is instrumented with a sensor of humidity integrated and with a zócalo for the connection of an external probe of the range testo 6610.

The version testo 6381 distinguishes by his resistant metallic box; also it results adapted for the measurement of differential pressesure in white rooms (although installed in the external part) and other areas (p.ej. In processes or the technology of dried). It has of a range of probes of humidity conectables adapted for each application and option of additional calculation of the speed or the discharge.

The version testo 6351 allocates to his use in applications related with the technology of the air conditioning of critical environingingments. His box is of plastic and the provision also include the calculation of the discharge and the speed, typical variables of this type of applications. However, this version does not have of connection for external probe.