Timken España, S.L. - Roller bearings


Threads of conical rollers: for trains of landing of aircraft

Picture of Threads of conical rollers
The threads of conical rollers for trains of landing fulfil the strict requirements of necessary performance in the aeroplanes, so much in big aeroplanes of commercial transport as in small avionetas private. They mark these threads with the indications "20629" (inches) or "N0629" (metric measures), that indicate that they are designated and manufactured for these applications. 

Range of sizes: between 34,92 and 268,29 mm (1,375 and 10,5625 inches) of external diameter (between 12,7 and 231,77 mm or 0,500 and 9,125 inches of inner diameter of the cone).

Attributes of design:

Design that fulfils the standards of quality so much of the customer as of the federal agency of the aviation of EE. UU.

The improvements of performance of the code of rolling 629 are the standard configuration for the current applications and for the new. These threads advanced allow to achieve an upper performance by means of some more adjusted tolerances and can bear the repeated beaks of load produced by the weight of aeroplanes of big tonelaje during the landing.

The superficial treatments are available to improve even more the wear, the fatigue and the performance to friction.

Applications: groups of wheels of the train of main landing and of the muzzle for private aeroplanes, commercial and military.

The superficial treatments that include in the trains of landing can resolve the rayado of the extreme of the roller/eyelash in the applications for aircraft.