Daisa Technologic, S.L. - Air purifiers and cleaners

Losma Newton

Team filtrante to debug the air: ideal for installations of big equipment of work

Picture of Team filtrante to debug the air
Daisa Ecologic Has Newton of Losma, a group of filtered for the purification of the air in the place of work, able to treat mists aceitosas and smokes of pertinent products of the manufacturing of metals with lubricants and refrigerantes (whole oils or emulsified). The series Newton composes of two different modules: Newton 3 and Newton 6, that have capacities comprised, respectively, between the 1.000 and 3.000 m3/h and between the 4.000 and 6.000 m3/h. Newton 3 and Newton 6 can instrument indiferentemente with fans to drop or to high pressesure. They represent like this the ideal application no only for installations centralised, but also for big equipment (job centres) that require high capacities of air with resistances reduced. Newton 3 and Newton 6 are structures of modular leak. They can be connected between them with more units that allow the realisation of big installations centralised to the service of tens of equipment. The efficiency of the series Newton can vary according to exigencias: the possibility to install posfiltros absolute (filters Hepa) allows to reach degrees of upper leak to 99,95%. Newton guarantees a high efficiency of filtered, thanks to his 5 stages filtrantes: 2 phases of prefiltrado, 2 of filtered and one of posfiltrado. The flow of air crosses all the Newton from below upwards, finding the tub of recolección and the elements filtrantes and goes out from up. With this process, Newton optimises the aprovechamiento of the different typologies of filters, allowing reduce the broadcast of agents contaminantes and at the same time, the maintenance.