Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Vehicle identification systems

Systems of indentificación of vehicles: in base to infrared radiation (IRID)

Picture of Systems of indentificación of vehicles
Kineo Presents the system of Identification in base to infrared radiation (IRID), with small tag passive and steeringal readers that have an excellent distance of reading - writing. The system does not result affected by the metal structures, does not present cruzamiento (“crosstalk”) between readers and is insensitive to the electromagnetic radiations (EMI) The zone of communication defines well without blind areas, and the system does not need antenna neither licence of radius to operate.

IRID Can resolve a lot of problems that are expensive or difficult to handle with the systems RFID conventional in bands of KHz, MHz and GHz. The system of Infrared identification provides the best efficiency, suitability and hygiene when big equipment need to be identified. The applications include the register of trucks and tow in barriers of control and of parkings and in scales of weighing, the track and follow-up of vehicles and containers, and the gestión of the flow of vehicles in factories.