Tecnivent Aspiración y Filtración, S.L. - Forging machinery and equipment

System of cooling of profiles: in trains of acerias

Picture of System of cooling of profiles
Increase of production by acceleration of the process of cooling of profiles in trains of cooling in steelworks.

Tecnivent Has developed a new system of acceleration of cooling of profiles that allows to the steelworks increase his production of considerable way.

This new system under patent bases in the impulsión uniform of a discharge of air, treaty psicrométricamente, by all the long of the train of cooling.

This system recesses the temperature of the air promoted by humectación without rociar waters directly on the train of cooling. With this action deletes the corrosion that the water produces on the components of the train of cooling, reduce costs by maintenance and avoid the doblamientos of profiles by differences of temperature along the same at the same time that the production increases.

The advantage on the traditional impulsión of air to temperature acclimatise by means of fans estriba in that the air is treated to reduce his thermal sensors load in some 8-9 °C, with what accelerates all the process of cooling.

In definite, Tecnivent offers a system of cooling of profiles absolutely innovative, clean and with results contrasted that is called to turn into a standard in the enfriadores of all the steelworks.