Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Spectrometers

Thermo Scientifics Prima PRO

Spectrometer of masses: analyser of gases for the industry siderúrgica

Picture of Spectrometer of masses
Iberfluid Instruments Of the hand of his represented Thermo Scientifics, launches to the market siderúrgico the new version of his recognised spectrometer of masses of the Prime series PRO.

This team has like purpose optimise the productive processes that execute in the different stages of obtaining of the steel. Designed like on-line solution, realises an analysis of the gases involved in the process, providing an immediate answer, precise and understanding.

This team, to the equal that the previous Prime series, implements in the different processes and applications siderúrgicas such like primary and secondary production of steel, ovens of electrical arch, ovens of coke, etc. His main aim is to improve these processes reducing and optimising the generation of gases and the consumption so much of prime matter as of the gases involved in said processes.

The system, realises the measurement of the molar concentration of the elements, as well as the register and storage of the values measured. Beside these indicators, the system is qualified for the calculation of necessary variables for the control of the process such like value calorífico (CV), density, specific gravity (SG), index Wobbe (WI), SAR, CATRI, etc. This information is of big value to the hour to increase the performance of the process on which the analyser acts. Compared with solutions calorimétricas, the MS provides a 10 better times precision (0,1% relative compared with 1% typical of the system calorimétrico) and a factor of 10 better times time of answer (15 seconds for the Premium PRO in front of a half time estimated of 2,5 minutes of the calorimétrico).

By means of the technology implemented in the Premium PRO, analyse all the included components in the fuel gas (including H2, CH4, CO, N2, Or2, C2H6, CO2, C3H8, C4H10 and C6H6), completing the analysis in an inferior time to 30 seconds and with an inferior typical precision to 0,1% relative or 0,01% molar absolute.

The main profits to adopt this technology for the analysis of gases can resumir in the following points:

Minimise the consumption of Or2, coque, natural gas, etc.

Reduce consumption of power

Improve the thermal sensors control of the oven and the quality of the final product

Increase the hygiene in the processes

Ensure fulfillment of environingingmental requests
