Barnes Group Spain, S.R.L. - Shock-absorbers


Shock-absorbers Mechanical: the solution to the problems with the escapes of the shock-absorbers to gas

Picture of Shock-absorbers Mechanical
Barnes Group Spain Announces the development of a series of shock-absorbers mechanical to dock, so much of estoc like special, manufactured with components in resistant stainless steel to the corrosion that offer beside a big variety of tie up, strengths and careers.

The shock-absorbers mechanical to dock of Barnes Group Spain have been designed specifically for those applications in which the use of shock-absorbers to conventional gas was inappropriate. Doing them ideal for his use inside a wide range of industrial states as they are the medicine, nuclear, chemist, chemist, defence, maritime, agricultural and of construction.

These shock-absorbers mechanical, durable and free of maintenance are thought for those applications that require the continuous application of a strength of elevation or balance, control of movement, amortiguación in front of hits and vibrations.

They are resistant to atmospheres contaminantes, temperatures until 200 °C, high humidities, atmospheres corrosivas or degradation been due to long periods of work.