Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Probes and dimensional sensors


Sensors of distance: with analog exit

Picture of Sensors of distance
The sensor DX-7AH detects the distance to an object in the rank 0.5 to 7.5 m by difference of phase of a do of infrared light (870 nm) (visible spectrum of 780 to 390 nm) with a resolution of ±5%.

The resolution can be improved promediando the signal by software. On an object of minimum 70 x 70 cm the sensor provides two exits: an analog exit of 4-20 mA in the rank 0.5-7.5 m that allows to measure the distance to which finds the object, and another logical exit (0 – 1) when it acts like comparator, to detect if it exists object before or after a distance preestablecida