Böllhoff, S.A. - Riveters


Rivets autoperforadores and placement equipment: manage a Union of resistance

Picture of Rivets autoperforadores and placement equipment

Rivset autoperforador rivet is a system that offers the possibility to make points of Union resistance between different materials, even for several sheets. The placement of the rivet is performed in a single operation, low noise, no emissions of gases and gets a good tight Union to leakage. The rivet pierces the material or materials from the top and opens on the side opposite a matrix.

Autoperforador rivet advantages are numerous, among which include achieving a Union of resistance that can be checked visually, the possibility to repeat the operation as many times as necessary, that it is not necessary to drill or prior punching, that is achieved by a Union stalls to liquids and gases that can be used for different metallic and nonmetallic materialsfor diverse resistance materials and materials of varying thickness.

With regard to the system, the operator need not be specialist, is reliable, always in correct position, is fast, modular, is manual or automatic and continuous control of the process it is possible. It is economic, flexible, reliable and little aggressive with the environment. Compared with traditional systems such as welding points or nail rivets, the advantages of the autoperforador rivet are very important, because with this system it is possible to unite treated material, different materials, painted. with liners such as stickers or plastic. He is a secure and controllable process, achieved total control of the quality of the point of attachment, do not produce thermal alteration in the piece, is ergonomic and are not necessary work prior or subsequent, or burned or damaged lacquered or painted surfaces. This system also ecological environment, that it does not emit smoke or toxic gases in the process nor produces waste (e.g.: chips, stems), the sound level is low, as well as, the energy consumption. Also the process can be automated to very high degree, rivets can fulfill other additional functions and installation is fast. The wide variety of applications of the autoperforador rivet explains the wide range of rivets.

Rivset autoperforadores rivets can be of different materials, forms, hardness, types of head, surfaces, dimensions and diameters: the characteristics of the rivet depend on the type of application. Bollhoff also offers a wide range of equipment for the placement of autoperforadores rivets, which can be summarized into three types: portable computers, which are small, very easy to handle and applicable universally, classic, compact and versatile equipment and various teams, considered the most adaptable solution for your design modular and fully automatic.