Aplicaciones de Bombeo Industrial, S.L. (ABIN) - Hydraulic pumps (PWM)

Selwood Gama PD

Pumps of positive trip: innocuous for the environingingment

Picture of Pumps of positive trip
These pumps of cebado automatic innocuous for the environingingment with capacity of indefinite operation in dry are the designs of original bomb of Selwood. Selwood Simplite PD50: Bomb of diafragma oscillating light for general use. Versatile in application, the bomb manipulates water, lofos, sand and abrasive similar in the place of utilisation.

Selwood Spate, PD75, PD100: perfect Bomb for the control of the polución caused by oil. It is ideal for all the applications of recovery of oil and works in combination with a wide range of systems of recovery and cleaning of surfaces of liquids. The Spate manipulates dirty waters, slimes, light and heavy oils and products of the oil sector, including some of the most viscous liquids to a speed of high flow and without turbulences. Also it is adapted for a series of difficult conditions in the place of utilisation. The simplicity of the design and the construction provide a very easy maintenance. It is possible to install motors of petrol, diesel, hydraulics, tyres and electrical to satisfy individual needs.