Gneuss Kunststofftechnik, GmbH - Pressure transmitters and sensors


Products in technology of filtered and sensors of pressesure

Gneuß Exposes the progress of his new products in technology of filtered and sensors of pressesure.

With the SFXmagnus Gneuß presents a new system of filtered by rotation with an excellent relation price/provision.

The SFXmagnus is based in the model RSFgenius, entirely automatic. This operates with a new technology of accionamiento that offers a greater performance of filtered without cleaning of filter integrated cheese cheese. Therefore, it has been possible to reduce the costs of manufacture offering to the market a system of filtered constant of pressesure and process with low costs of investment.

Another interesting product is the transductor of pressesure of mass melted Premium. It characterises by an extremely high accuracy of measurement (±0,2 %) that achieves thanks to a membrane again design. The double special coating of the tip of the sensor guarantees a long life of service. The new protective dock for the tube capilar warns of damages to the enroscado and of other hard low dangers conditions. The new design of the protective dock for the tube capilar can even bear the direct hits of hammer without damaging .