Dena Desarrollos, S.L. (ingesco) - Surge protectors and lightning rods

Pararrayos: with device of cebado no electronic

Picture of Pararrayos
The design of this pararrayos, allows to produce an ionisation of the particles of air around the tip of the captador, that generates a trazador ascending directed to the nuve. This common of ions intercepts and pipes from his origin the electrical download of the ray. Between the group excitador, that finds to the same potential that the surrounding air, and the tip and the conjoint deflector (that they find to the same potential that the earth), establishes a potential difference that is so much higher what higher is the gradiante of atmospheric potential, that is to say, what more imminent is the learning of the ray.

Ones of the greater profits is the guarantee of operation in any atmospheric condition, no precise of source of external feeding and to the not incorporating any electronic element, is not fungible.