Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Air particles counters

Monitors and counters of particles: for white rooms

Picture of Monitors and counters of particles

Iberfluid Instruments Has incorporated of the hand of his represented Kanomax a complete line of equipment for the supervision and the control of the quality of the air. The sectors of application are very diverse. On the one hand, the applications in white rooms require of exhaustive controls with ranks of measurement of size of particles of 0,3 micras, combined with measurements of speed of air, temperature as well as humidity. On the other hand, the applications in installations of HVAC are used to precise of portable solutions very versatile and of high reliability.

Beside the above-mentioned sectors, the signature Kanomax, has of a wide experience in diverse markets as they are the environingingmental controls, the chemical industry, siderúrgica, pharmaceutical, the aerospace sector, as well as in the development of equipment for banks of essay.

It exists a wide range that comprises from equipment portables that include multiple sensors of contaje of particles, temperature, humidity, pressesure and speed of air (series 3900) until small and handy portable equipment that resolve of a comfortable and simple way the need of punctual measurements series 3886 and 3887. These equipment, can control an only variable or incorporate several sensors, but always from the perspective of a light execution, of easy handle and transport and with a menu of programming very simple.

Incidentally Kanomax has of fixed equipment for setting in wall that allow an exhaustive monitoring of white rooms or of production. By means of the sensors of the series 3714 and 3715, can configure a network for the supervision in real time of all the equipment (until a maximum of 128). In said network, can incorporate measurements of other variables (humidity, temperature, differential pressesure or speed of air), configuring like this a complete system gestión of the technical zone.

On the one hand, it has of a wide catalogue of portable anemometers with characteristics so diverse that allow from measurements in applications of air conditioned or white rooms (equipment of the series 6810, To004 and To031), until the measurement of speed of air in points of broadcast to very high temperature (until 500 °C). In this second group would find models such as 6113, 6114 or 6162.

The technologies used in these cases go from the rotary presses palettes until the sensors based in the thermal sensors dispersion. The equipment incorporate additional functions such as it dates loggers, portable printer or case of transport.

For applications where the measurement of speed of air require of a fixed way, the measurers of the series 6332 and 6332D propose equipment for setting in wall, of compact size and that allow to detect escapes and supervise the efficiency of filters.

Another of the group of equipment that usually are related with the previous, and of which Iberfluid also can provide a technical solution, are the measurement and detection of gases. Mediantes Portable or fixed equipment, can supervise and monitor concentrations of gases so diverse like ammonia, CO, CO2, H2S, methane, ozone, etc. To the equal that in the case of the fixed sensors of particles, the connection in network, allows compact solutions with an elevated level of supervision and report.

The measurement and control of the quality of air, in productive processes so diverse like the industrial welding, painting booths, zones of production of products pulvurulentos, require also, in the majority of cases, of equipment that supervise said levels and ensure some conditions of work inside what the rules indicate. For this type of applications, the monitors of particles of the series 3521, 3522, 3431 and 3800 allow the register and the supervision of levels of particles of until 0,015 micras.