Lasiom, S.L. - Cardan transmissions


Mechanical transmission: especially indicated for crafts

Picture of Mechanical transmission
Hydradrive, of Lasiom, is a transmission for crafts of motors of intraborda that reduces the vibrations and the noise until 90%; besides

it simplifies the installation of the engine or box of changes to propeller. With this system, the process of alineación can be realised to “eye” and can work with angular misalignments of until 16º. With derivative technology of the industry of the car, includes bridas adaptadoras for almost all the exits of engine or boxes of change. The length of the axis can be supplied to measure.

The board homocinética (CV) is the heart of the technology Hydradrive. The cardán consists in two boards homocinéticas that can move independently one of the another. This technology allows to give economic solutions for applications in ships. The together homocinéticas deliver in some standard minimum lengths, with the option of other lengths always above the 270 mm.

The support of rolling of drag contains a casquillo of fixation to the axis of the propeller. This solution comports a lower length of the cojinete and does the simplest attachment and fast.

The Hydradrive does the replacement of the simplest engine in crafts that already have units of propeller.