Obradors DRM, S.L. - CNC turning centers

Harrison Alpha XT

Lathes: designed specifically for operarios of manual machines

Picture of Lathes
The version Alpha XT can consider like the door of entrance for the workshops that want to happen of the conventional lathe to the level CNC.

The Alpha XT is instrumented with the control Fanuc Oi TC Matt, loaded with the system of conversational programming Fanuc Turn Matt i. This software contains a complete range of conversational cycles (profiles, cones, threads, mandrinados, taladrados, etc), that allow for the first time in the version T, the total programming of the outline.

The system is very easy to use since it has designed specifically for operarios of manual machines. The simplification in the manufacturing of the tools allows a fast and comfortable fixation of multiple tools.

The control includes likewise the function of review of threads, very easy to use. An additional advantage of the Alpha XT, when comparing it with the model T previous, is the ease to connect the control to functionality i.s.Or total (CNC).

In all the models has like optional team, of automatic turret milling machines.

All the lathes Alpha manufacture in accordance with norms of precision for workshop of tooling DIN8605, and have a guarantee of two years.

The CAD/CAM Alphalink includes like standard team, in all the versions of the Alpha.