Iverna 2000, S.L. - Miscellaneous construction and public works equipment

Iverna 2000 Tejaflex

Ladders for roofs: of grooved aluminium anodizado of 3 mm of thickness

Picture of Ladders for roofs
Iverna 2000 manufactures flexible ladders Tejaflex, especially designed for his use in roofs. These ladders is empalmable in stretches of 3 m and is built in grooved aluminium anodizado with 3 mm of thickness, with nerves folded to give him more consistency. Of platform to platform, goes joined by means of cincha and to join ladders with ladders, carries a plate of tie up in stainless steel. Tejaflex Folds easily and is very light. Thanks to his design, the ladders saves the degrees of inclination of the roofs and, of this form, can work comfortably and with hygiene.