Industrias Ibaiondo, S.A. - Hydropneumatic accumulators

Hydropneumatics accumulators: to install in groups of pressesure

Picture of Hydropneumatics accumulators
The hydropneumatics accumulators employ in the installations of supply and groups of pressesure of water fria drinkable or industrial. The water stores in a bladder that fulfils the ordenanzas legal on alimentary hygiene and that separates herméticamente the cushion of air of the water.

The membrane is synthetic rubber, in accordance with the physical and mechanical characteristics of the norms DIN 4.807.

The maximum temperature of service is 100 °C.

This built from two bottoms stuffed and a virola of sheet curveada, joined between yes by cords of welding realised according to automatic and personal procedures recognised. In the bottoms have foreseen both holes for the setting and fixation of the bladder and attachment in passing of water.

The rest of accessories are:

For the regulation of the pressesure of air in the camera of gas, the glass goes provisto of a valve, properly protected.

One covers atornillada for the fixation of the bladder and the connection to the water, by means of a manguito threaded, according to DIN-259.

External protection, on a surface fosfatada, and a terminación dried to the red oven RAL-3000.

The hydropneumatics accumulators install solidarios with the group of pressesure or the but near possible to the same. For the tanks that are not endowed of supports (legs) is compulsory the ensure (by means of suspenders, subjections or similar) that the own weight of the tank but the weight of the fluid of the interior do not produce moments flectores that can originate damages in the pipes of connection.