Daisa Technologic, S.L. - Feeding systems for machinery


Hydrodynamic feeders: to feed bars of until 4 m

Picture of Hydrodynamic feeders
Daisa Ecologic Represents the mark Asmut, a company constructor of apt hydrodynamic feeders to feed bars from diameters of 3 until 102 mm and length of until 4 m. It treats of simple devices, robust and of total confidence. They are formed by a do of tubes of diverse diameters that constitute the feeder. In his internal side the pistones glide to do advance the bar and sustain it when it is in rotation. The hydraulics switchboard commands oil to the pistones and to the circuit that sustenta the bar. This switchboard is formed by a reversible hydraulics engine, regulator of pressesure, manometer and filter of oil. Two robust pivotes, that can regulate in height, sustain the group of tubes. The bars to work can be round or poligonales, and of any material.

As it was his diameter, the bar situates in one of the tubes of the feeder positioned coaxialmente to the baboon of the lathe and sustains during the rotation of the hydrodynamic pressesure. This last comes generated by the continuous flow of oil, present around the bar in rotation. This system allows to obtain a regular rotation of the bar, even in high speeds, without vibrations neither noises.

The speed of advance of the bar is regulable by means of the regulator of pressesure situated in the hydraulics switchboard.