Iberclean, S.A. - Extraction and filtration installations

Serie ACD

Equipment of aspiración located and filtered: of big utility in the catchment located, avoiding his propagation

Picture of Equipment of aspiración located and filtered
The equipment of aspiración located of the series ACD are of big utility in the catchment located of the contaminante, avoiding his propagation. This contributes of decisive way to protect the health and the surroundings of the work. The equipment can work in way of recirculation, what helps to the reduction of energetic costs. The range of modular construction has conceived to be able to provide practical solutions and advanced to the particular needs of a lot of customers.

As main characteristic fits to stand out the low audible level that offers the series ACD or his compact design. The turbines are of low provision and with a low consumption. The filters are recyclable and of big capacity. Besides it treats of equipment of easy use and scarce maintenance.

These equipment are of application in works with dissolvent encolados, laminados, cleanings and dosages in the chemical industry. Also in the pharmaceutical industry, in laboratories, in the alimentary industry, for works of catering,etc.