Bombas Letrin, S.L. - Submersible pumps


Electrobombas sumergibles: for diverse applications and industrial states

Picture of Electrobombas sumergibles
Series DL electobombas domestic trifásicas or monofásicas sumergibles. Impulsores Open L or vortex F. Discharge max 40 m3/h Height 18 mca.

Series GR electrobombas sumergibles with system of trituración. Double Estanqueidad. Discharge max 90 m3/h Height 52 mca. Temp. max 45.

Series GC, GF and GL electrobombas sumergibles trifásicas of two and four poles. Impulsores Open L, vortex F and cute-bicanal C. Double estanqueidad with mechanical enclosures of carbide of tungsten or of silicon with intermediate camera. Discharge max 350 m3/h Height max 45 mca Temp. 45 Veloc max 3600 rpm.

Series GCI, GFI and GLI idem in constructions Aisi 316 and CA 40

Series DR electrobombas sumergible portable for drainage without refrigeration. Discharge max 40 m3/h Height 17mca. Veloc 2850 rpm.

Series DT DR electrobombas sumergible portatil for drainage with refrigeration. Discharge max 100 m3/h Height 40 mca. Veloc 2850 rpm.