Festo Automation, S.A.U. - Linear motors and actuators

Festo Pneumatic Epco

Electrical cylinders: so simple like a pneumatics cylinder

Picture of Electrical cylinders
The electrical cylinder Epco of Festo includes controller of engine, software for configuration and diagnostic web like complete solution “Optimised Motion Series”.

Epco Combines the simplicity of a pneumatics cylinder with the advantages of positioning of an electrical actuator –besides is much more economic that the systems of electrical positioning. This universal electrical cylinder is ideal for example for the feeding of pieces, insert, delete, store, retain, like tope, etc. In other words for all the tasks of manipulation and simple positioning in the setting of small and electronic pieces where requires tackle multiple positions.

Complete system "Optimised Motion Series": the actuator multiposición offers big strengths of push and is fast and compact: the engine and the controller are preinstalados. Epco Is available like complete system "Optimised Motion Series" with cables preconfeccionados, controller of corresponding engine CMMO-ST, as well as software for a put in fast operation through a system of server web/ browser.

Like key point of the system of positioning Festo “Optimised Motion Series”, the electrical cylinder Epco is an excellent example of a simple use and to low cost of the electrical cylinders in the automation of factories. With the two tools of software "WebConfig" and WebDiag", the configuration and the diagnostics web are incredibly simple using the controller of engine CMMO - without need of a PLC. This provides hygiene, since the individual components always will fit between himself. A wrong dimensioning is practically impossible.