Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Temperature , thermal sensors

Dataloggers Wireless: for thermal sensors validations

Picture of Dataloggers Wireless
Designed to do validations in pharmaceutical industry, alimentary or hospitable, the Dataloggers wireless offered by Iberfluid Instruments, fulfil the requirements FDA, as well as the standards GMP.

The software associated allows to generate of simple form a complete documentation of the process of validation.

Between the technical characteristics of the dataloggers wireless, offered by Iberfluid Instruments, temperature: ±0.05 °C, relative humidity: ±2%, pressesure: ±0.25% FS, time: ±5 Sec. In 24 hours, rotation: ±1% and 60.000 points by heart.

They can operate in the most extreme conditions: -80/+150 °C (with thermal sensors barriers bear until 400 °C) and 10 Bar.

The sensors are interchangeable and can group until 4 sensors in a same logger.

The basic reader with connection USB and communication by induction allows to communicate with until 16 dataloggers at the same time.

They have the possibility of transmission of on-line data road irradiate, even with the dataloggers situated in the interior of an autoclave of steam or a liofilizador.

Have his applications in pharmaceutical and hospitable industry: sterilisation in autoclave, lyophilisation, despirogenización, stoves, cameras of stability, warehouses, sterilisation with Eto, etc.

In addition to his applications in the alimentary industry: sterilisation in autoclaves, rotary presses autoclaves, pastaurised, cocederos, ovens, freezers, etc.